Education, Welfare, Support

We may not change the world - but for the dogs that need us, together we can change their whole world forever.

Your support and donations allow us to offer free and low cost support to owners considering relinquishment, new adopters, fosterers, rescue volunteers and staff. Our goal is to maintain ethical, targeted advice and signposting that is accessible to absolutely everyone on the rescue path. 

Continued residential rehabilitation and fostering for welfare dogs in desperate need is a big part of what we do too, but we can't continue this without your much-needed support. Monetary donations are not the only way to offer support, although these are deeply appreciated. Sharing and spreading the word about our work helps us to reach more of the people that may benefit from support, and those that can help us in providing it!

If you have materials, items, knowledge or skills that could help us in achieving our goals, or know of people that may, please get in touch!


Dog Shack Expenses

A safe space for urgent dogs.

A safe space for urgent dogs.

This is the single most important project that we have been working on over the last two years. With your help and support via donations we have replaced the roof, prepared the floor and kitted it out to create a safe, warm and secure environment for rescued foster dogs that have nowhere else to turn and cannot move straight into our home due to ongoing behaviour issues.

The costs associated with heating, providing toys and chewables, food, supplements and other essentials during a stay runs from around £5 - £10 per day, depending on heating needs.

A donation of £150 can provide a dog in dire need with a safe, secure and enriched environment from which to learn for a whole month! Life changing stuff.

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We always need woodchip to keep dog areas mud free. This costs us £35 per cubic meter and we go through a LOT of it. We can buy this locally, but if we have any tree surgeons among our number any amount of long lasting hard wood chip is greatly appreciated!

A donation of £175 will keep us mud free for six months or longer!




Specialist behaviour support means specialist diet and supplementation, training aids, treats and much more! Backpacks, welfare standard muzzles, collars and leads, headcollars, raw food, specialised diets and toys, chews and more are all costly, needed and deeply appreciated. Raw food is especially expensive as this cannot be donated to our partner rescue directly due to the requirement for refrigerated delivery. This is a huge expense that we cover personally because we strongly believe that for some damaged dogs, biologically appropriate food is essential for great hormonal balance and health during rehabilitation.

Our approach is one of holistic intervention so we also use diet, calming nutritional supplementation for stressed dogs and pigs ears and antlers for anxious ones, we feed certain items to dogs that guard and others for those that bolt their food! Slow feeding bowls, kongs and treat dispensers are all utilised as part of  the package. Our food and consumable bill varies depending on our residents -but on average, even with charity donated items, each dog costs us around £20 - £30 per week! The stooge dogs that assist in social learning and training have to eat too so our already huge bill balloons very quickly! Donations are always fantastic and allow us to give the best support.

A donation of £20 will feed an indoor house dog for a week with all the trimmings and some functional food and feeding gear to boot!

A donation of £40 will buy us an escape proof harness for flighty terrified dogs so that we can keep them safe during training, this will leave with them when rehomed if they still need the extra safety. Or for the same donation, we can provide a backpack to help tire and fulfil a high energy dog that lacks focus, this can be used again and again for similarly sized dogs!


Our Wish List!

Our Amazon Wish List is constantly updated - this is another way for anyone to voluntarily donate to stooge dogs and foster dogs in our care as a thank you for advice, a treat for the dogs that assisted their dog during a consultation, or a charitable gift for our very special rescue residents.